Shi Zong

University of Waterloo
E-mail: s4zong AT


I am an Applied Scientist at Dialpad. Previously, I was a MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Waterloo, working with Prof. Jimmy Lin. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from The Ohio State University, working with Prof. Alan Ritter (now in Georgia Tech). I obtained my MS degree from Carnegie Mellon University and my BS degree from Nanjing University.

I conduct research in computational linguistics. I am interested in topics related to social media analysis and computational social science. Recently I also work on applications applied to market research.

Representative Publications


Industry Experiences

Research Intern at Adobe Research
May 2016 - August 2016
Mentor: Dr. Branislav Kveton, Dr. Zheng Wen

Professional Services

Program committee / Reviewer: ACL Rolling Review, ACL (2020-2021), EMNLP (2019-2022), NAACL (2021), EACL (2021), CoNLL (2018-2020), ICML (2020), NeurIPS(2021), ICLR (2021), AAAI (2019-2020), W-NUT (2019-2021)


I listen to classical music regularly. My favorite composer is J. S. Bach.